
The OSMF Board is asking the membership to approve an amendment to the Articles of Association that will allow Board committees (specified in the AoA as only consisting of Board members) to include any Foundation member, associate or full, to serve on a Board committee. The reason for this is that some of the Board’s administrative work, such as handling our finances, has proven very time consuming, more than one person can handle. Another sphere is the budget preparation, and yet another is fundraising. Since the Board is also hiring fulltime staff and engaging contractors, it needs help with oversight.

Some board members have been asked if this is intended to supplant the Working Groups. At least one diary entry has been posted by a community member asserting that this is the case, and urging Foundation members to vote against the amendment.

The proposed AoA amendment is NOT intended to supplant Working Groups. The Working Groups handle the substantive and administrative issues of the community, which is separate from the Foundation and the Board. The Working Groups would therefore not be affected. As I envision it, the Board committees would deal with personnel, budget, and fundraising, none of which fall in the remit of any Working Group.

I urge Foundation members to vote in favor of the AoA amendment, and then to volunteer to serve on one of the Board committees (and on Working Groups, too, but separately!)


Comment from imagico on 2 December 2020 at 19:20

For completeness - the one diary entry [that] has been posted by a community member is

Comment from Jean-Marc Liotier on 3 December 2020 at 07:55

In other words, the OSMF Board believes it needs a HR associate and a staff accountant. That may be. But why would they need to be Board committees instead of simply contractors ?

Comment from apm-wa on 3 December 2020 at 14:23

@Jean-Marc, the Board and the community have a strong preference for volunteers over paid staff where possible. That isn’t always possible–we have a paid accountant, a paid admin assistant, have started paying for a full-time iD maintainer/developer, and will soon have a full-time system reliability engineer, but we continue to emphasize voluntary work wherever possible. We also have a gnawing concern about staff bloat, and becoming a Wikimedia-type organization. The Board, reflecting community sentiment, seeks to avoid that.

Comment from Heather Leson on 4 December 2020 at 17:07

As a past board member, I approve of this AoA change. Board work can be high volume and the membershp deserves to have things resolved in a timely and collaborative way. OSMF is changing and it is important the membership be engaged in board activities which can support the OSM project. Thank you

Comment from scruss on 5 December 2020 at 20:04

would love to vote on this, but it seems I rejoined too late in the year to be able to do so. Do I get to vote next year? If not, this is undemocratic. There was no warning on the OSMF website saying YOU CAN’T VOTE THIS YEAR when I signed back up.

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