
2 days
Ended .
Reason for block:

Follow-on from

Your previous block was revoked so that you could reply to users who have commented on your changesets. You have not done this. You can see this list at . These messages will also have been emailed to you. Please do reply - you can reply to a comment by typing in the changeset comment box and clicking “comment”.

Also, please do use changeset comments that are actual words that allow people to understand what you have actually done - something like “please add the feature #YouthMappersatIRS #irsju #AIInMapping” is entirely meaningless unless you know for example what an “irsju” is (I have no idea). See for more information.

Because you’ve ignored previous requests, we’ve prevented you from updating OSM for two days . If you’d like us to revoke the block again please email with a subject of “[Ticket#2024031010000288] Sarafat Islam”, and explain that you will actually do what you promised to do (but did not) last time.

Best Regards,

Andy Townsend, on behalf of OSM’s Data Working Group