
dcapillae's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by dcapillae

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Clasificación jerárquica de la red viaria metropolitana de Málaga

El PGOU vigente es del año 2011. En aquel entonces no se habían acometido las obras de reforma de la Alameda Principal. Imagino que por eso aún figuran dos ejes de primero orden en la zona del Parque.

El PMUS es del año 2021. Toma como referencia el PGOU y la Ordenanza de Movilidad para la categorización de viales. Incluye planos que reflejan cambios recientes en el viario que no aparecían en el PGOU de 2011. También incluye listados con nombres de calles y su categoría viaria.

La clasificación viaria del PMUS «a corto plazo» se asimila a la clasificación del viario en el momento en el que se publicó el documento (p. 384), así que se podría considerar como la referencia más reciente de la clasificación viaria actual.

Cómo mapear zonas de estacionamiento en la calle

1) I don’t think it is related to importance (everything is important to someone), but rather to usage. Some tags have a very specific use that is well explained in the documentation of a hierarchically superior tag or in the documentation of its key. In those cases, the community often finds that it is not necessary to create a tag-specific documentation page. Sometimes an empty page is created that includes a redirect to the reference page. IIf something needs to be documented, then it is documented. It is a good idea to discuss it with the community beforehand to avoid unexpected discussions.

There is no difference in mapping parking spaces if they are mapped with a node. If they are mapped with a closed way, the geometry will be adjusted to the size of the parking space, then logically it will be bigger in the case of buses, trucks, etc.

2) There is no way to indicate marked parking spaces from unmarked parking spaces as far as I know.. Mapping in detail parking spaces that do not have any markings on the ground can be somewhat controversial, someone might not agree with us on the way we have mapped the spaces. I would recommend refraining from mapping them in detail in that case.

3) The parking spaces themselves are not differentiated. To indicate that a parking space is intended for a particular mode of transport, the values of the access key can be used.