
Riccardo Stagni's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Riccardo Stagni

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simplifying reception of the OSMWeekly newsletter

Nice workaround indeed, but you may have problems in case of changes of the order of the entries in the feed… And you may risk having duplicate/lost entries if the script doesn’t run “at the right moment”.

Did you consider rss2email? (it’s more like a proper feed reader, with its own db, etc… but hey, no need to deal with xml with sed/grep) :)

Стихийные бедствия, катастрофы, опасность - Заготовка тегов для JOSM

Privyet! (the only word I know in Russian yet) :)

Nice idea! You may want to consider extending this:

These pages should help you in making the tags official:

Good luck!

Opening Hours, What Am I Doing Wrong?

It could also be a bug in OsmAnd, see e.g.:

Ciao, Riccardo

Coordinates on

This is the format:

I assume you get two results because if you write “38.5807 77.2605” the search engine cannot know which number is the latitude and which is the longitude (the two results have the same coordinates but swapped).

If you add N/S E/W to the coordinates you will get an unique result:

OSM & Britain’s Most Upwardly-Mobile Village

Yup, thank you for your articles! :)

Updating Turkmenabat


The origin of source=CZ:IPRPraha*

Great! :)

Cimitero Monumentale di Staglieno

Impressionante, complimenti.

Percorsi CAI Viterbo

Grandi! :)

Weekly roundup - common errors and unexplained edits observed

I mean, “via” is what you use in road names: “Via Roma” is like “Rome Road”. (sorry, I clicked save too fast)

Weekly roundup - common errors and unexplained edits observed

Yes, “via” means “road” in italian.

mappare correndo sul lungo navile

nokia 1110 e holux m241... Si fa tranquillamente :)
(però traccio soltanto, senza mappare. Potresti altrimenti prenderti dietro un registratorino per segnarti le cose senza dover interrompere la corsa)

mappare correndo sul lungo navile

Un marsupio stretto? Oppure potresti legarlo con qualcosa alla cintura oppure al braccio. Il mio vecchio nokia 5210 aveva di corredo un cordino e un cinturino per legarlo al braccio mentre si corre.
Personalmente quando corro tengo comodamente tutto in mano: in una il cellulare e le chiavi, nell'altra il gps.


Dream about JOSM webservice

Dream about JOSM webservice

ok, it's not the validator plugin and its checks, but...


My big SOTM adventure

to merge tracks with gpsbabel you could do
gpsbabel -i gpx -f file1.gpx -f file2.gpx -f etc... -o gpx -F merged.gpx

More information

You could ask to have it added to the blog planet (!

Unfortunately I'm not able to find any instruction on how to do it, perhaps asking some mailing list...


My new GPS

if you use linux, try navit. It uses vectorial data, have a gl-based interface and a lot of other features:
