
真中あお's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by 真中あお

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Thanks to imagico for the introduction to the discussions at github.

I also know that most of these issues have already been discussed, however, I’m not optimistic about when these discussions will be taken up.

On the other hand, as you probably know, some mappers may suspect that they have made a mistake in their mapping if the submitted data isn’t rendered, and may even change the tags to something else that doesn’t fit, but rendered, to make them stand out on the Carto layer. Therefore, before these rendering ”features“ of Carto layers are changed, I would like to use this article to list such cases in Chinese, so that the Chinese community can be aware that these cases are caused by Carto layers, and to remind me and everyone else pay attention to and avoid possible ”tagging for the renderer“.

(The above is a machine translated version of the following Chinese.)





中国大陆地区行政区划标注指北 Guidelines for the administrative division labeling in Mainland China

很有指导性的文章! 另外我最近遇到了一个相关问题,想顺便请教一下:我注意到除了作为admin_center的place=city以外,还有的市县标注了标签为place=region/county的POI,并作为label加入关系。而有的市县却没有这个POI。请问是否应该都标注place=region/county,如果不是,标与不标参考什么标准好呢?