
Diary Entries in Abkhazian

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flooding has been a major environmental problem to rivers state , and its coastal communities. this has impacted negatively on the state, disrupting activities and causing many homeless and vulnerable to water borne diseases.flooding is an annual occurring phenomenon here in rivers state,and one reason is because of its low elevation……join UNIQUE MAPPER TEAM today and lets map out states and communities vulnerable to flood.

When I mapped our neighbourhood there are many establishments that are not specified in openstreet map like the school near in our house and other establishments in our area. When I explore my neighbourhood, I saw a lot of sari-sari store, “bentelog” beside our house and when you walk around you will see some “pandesalan”, angel’s burger, shake and different street foods . And also our house is near in different malls like the sm mega mall and shawmall.

Posted by Bucao on 25 August 2018 in Abkhazian (Аҧсуа). Last updated on 26 August 2018.

Good evening everyone. I just want to share a lot of my great great experienced while doing fieldpaper. But first of all, I just want to thank my professor who guide and nurture my knowledge in cwts matter like mapping,sharing, especially helping other people. The first moment that I’ve been doing while mapping my neighborhood is finding famous buildings and houses in our barangay. But I realized that finding that places are already mapped by the experts. So I decided to looked around and finally found something new. There is a new on going building near p.guevarra st petron and meat shop. I dont know whats the name of that building so I tag it as an on going building. The other one that I’ve discover was the restaurant in front of north park restaurant. I was curious because I really dont know that there is a restaurant there. So I tag it as a restaurant and the name is EVEYTHING AT STEAK. I hope that my discoveries will help people easily find it and I hope it will contribute because when I saw in osm the steak house is covered by the trees and the on going building is not yet mapped because the building there in osm was the old building. That was my experienced in doing fieldpaper thankyou. #pupsjcwts

Die Geschichte um die Namensgebung des Platzes an der Hufelandschule am Kopf des Backenberg hat Gestern dank der Gründung der Bochumer OSM Gruppe eine Interessante Wendung genommen.

Der Ort hat laut Stadtverwaltung (Bezirksvertretung/Rat/offiziellem Stadtplan) keinen Namen. Trotzdem findet man ihn auf OSM (jetzt loc_name), Google Maps, Nextbike Station, diversen Infotafeln an den Eingängen der Hustadt unter dem Namen Hufelandplatz.

Anlässlich des 50 Jubiläums der Hustadt wird die Angelegenheit hoffentlich zu einem Beschluss der Politik führen der nicht unbedingt auf den Namen Hufelandplatz hinausläuft. Dieser ist nämlich ohne Absprache von den Architekten des Umbau (Stadtumbau West Programm) gewählt worden.

Namenvorschläge ?

Location: 44801, Nordrhein-Westfalen, 44801, Алмантәыла

沼津市内にある次の古墳をマッピングしました。 ・神明塚古墳 ・長塚古墳 ・高尾山古墳 ・子の神古墳 ・馬見塚古墳 ・天神洞古墳群 ・四ツ塚古墳群 ・山ノ神古墳群 ・東原5号墳 ・霊山寺横穴 ・江ノ浦横穴群 ・清水柳北1号墳

以上のものは 沼津市文化財センター編2012 よりデータを拾いました。

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